Tuesday, July 07, 2009

The 'Works: The Peeps

Here are the peeps with whom I spent the Fourth. We went with Jeannine and her mom, Lee. We had a once in a lifetime opportunity and view of the fireworks. It was amazing! We had such a great time together. Oops, Lee closed her eyes!

We ran into one of our favorite teachers from high school, 'Doc' and his wife! I travelled to Europe with them and a group of students the summer after tenth grade. They are both lovely! Jeannine and I were so excited to see them!

Me and Mom with the beautiful view behind us! I think this is one of the few pictures I have of myself in which I look truly happy in the recent past. I even put make-up on in the afternoon.

Jeannine and her mom. It was the two 'sickies' (me and Lee) and the two caregivers (Mom and Jeannine). The evening was a very, very special treat for us all. We so rarely get to go on outings! The 'sickies' didn't get a night off from feeling sick. The caregivers didn't get a night off from their duties. But we did all get to enjoy a very special treat.

I paid a pretty big price afterwards as I was up most of the night with an ANS storm. I rested beforehand (since the endoscopy on Wednesday) and for two days afterwards. Boy, those 'works were really somethin'!

More of the 'works to come!

Hope these help make you smile on hump day!



Photos: From Fourth of July. Jeannine, Lee, Mom, Me, Doc and Mrs. Doc.


QAMom said...

Great pictures, they make me homesick! It's funny because I was just thinking about Mrs Doc while we were on vacation and how she (and others too) helped Sylvia out when her luggage got lost. They both look just as I remember them! I hope they're enjoying retirement.

Rachel Lundy said...

I'm so glad you were able to enjoy an outing to see the fireworks.